That would make it feel right to be in a society. For rulership, for war, for piety and maybe for being evil. The other solution would be one thing that you can find in WoL: You should have societies for several builds of characters. The first solution I have touched above: When joining a society would be an accomplishment, you would earning these buffs and the flavour stuff and would not feel “left- out”. You feel strange not being in a society, but your Ned Stark or William the Conqueror does not fit at all. Now, you have many, many characters joining these societies and you missing flair & gameplay bonuses when you don´t do it. That would be not ideal, but it´s would not really a problem, if it was something rare and an accomplishment to even join a society. So, if you really want to play RPG wise, not many characters really fit to get into these societies. When you think of the typical medieval ruler, there is nothing for him here. The societies are for very specialized characters. Niche characters – niche feature for the whole world: Here we see, what things WoL did very right what M&M did wrong. I have no gripes with the idea at all, quite the contrary. I was intrigued about the possibility when I thought about it. We take organizations, where characters meet who barely even noticed each other before and connect them all globally that they can work together for their interests. The idea: The premise is great, both from a gameplay and a thematical perspective. But let go into the specifics.Īssassins: I have yet to see the Assassins, so I cannot talk about them, but I will take them as an excuse to finally play as a muslim. I think this is honestly the first CK2 expansion I am disappointed about. But when I see M & M, I think it would need more than just some fixing to make it work. I am very patient with balance issues and I know that in a complex game like CK2, no expansion survives the first contact with the enemy unscathed. I consider Conclave, Way of Life and Reaper´s Due the best expansions the game has to offer and defended them several times on this forum. My background: I am a Paradox Loyalist and Crusader Kings 2 is honestly my favourite game of all time. And I know at least one player who is every time excited to see magic, so I will not touch this issue. I was ready to go that route if the Devs wanted to take it. I will try to get the whole magic/ Satanists-are- silly discussion aside. I will be compare many things to Way of Life, because with this expansion I can show what went wrong in my opinion. I felt compelled to write a review about it and will try to give some constructive criticism. So, I had the opportunity to dabble in Monks and Mystics.